About us

Skred is the first secured messaging app allowing total freedom: you don’t need any email address or phone number to use it.

Open because you can start messaging without giving up your mobile number or email address.

Skred is open to all. No subscription is necessary, there’s no operator, no SIM card and no tracking.

Skred creates an anonymous, unique and secure relationship with each one of your contacts. The two participants in this relationship can exchange messages only with each other and no one else.

You can create as many independent identities and as many unique relationships as you like.

Skred allows you to communicate via IM, voice or video.

Skred adapts itself to any network to guarantee speed and transmission quality.

When you delete a message on Skred, it also disappears from your correspondent’s mobile.

All conversations are encrypted from end-to-end and from mobile-to-mobile and are not stored on any server. The encryption technologies are open source and derived from work by hackers and activist citizens of the Guardian Project.

Skred began as a project of the Skyrock Group, an organization created by the Free Radio Movement in France. Its goal is to defend freedom of expression on the airwaves and on the Internet.

Skred is based on the open, free and secure technology called WebRTC in order to offer crypted and peer-to-peer communications.